Pray for Success

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305th - Police ... open up ...

2010.01.15. 11:27 ZmanUK

Finally I had my evening with the Police. I went to the station for 7pm, where the Sergeant already was waiting for me. I was first briefed about the dangers of joining to the patrol, and instructed what to do if an incident happens. (what if I accidentally get tear-gas in my face, being punched, kicked, sprayed with blood, etc) Then I was introduced to almost everyone on the station, and walked through all the floors, and rooms, meeting all the teams, learning about their activities and duties. I could walk into a prison cell, checked out the fingerprint taking station, the custody department, etc. I learned about the police gear, uniforms, ranks, response teams, codes, help desk, etc. I learned about the procedure of an arrest, (believe me it is long long long, and ridiculously complex) then at the end I was handed over to a response team. 

They had some paperwork to do first, then I was paired up with a PC (Police Constable), who took me out on a patrol. I am trying to stay away stating something detailed, so just briefly: we were going out to a car owner (polish), visiting him in his flat (everybody believed I was police just not in uniform), then investigated an alleged assault, then trying to find an ASBO (Anti Social Behavior Order) breaking lady. 

The evening passed by very quickly, it was very interesting, I learned a lot from the force, which hopefully I will be able to use later on.

Tomorrow I am gonna have my job interview with the police, and if everything goes well, in around April I can start my training to be a police officer. (obviously I will not give up my daytime job)

So fingers crossed for me guys ...


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