Pray for Success

As true hungarian, I can complain about almost everything. If you interested, read, simple as that :-)


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279th - Charges 2.

2009.11.24. 10:44 ZmanUK

Despite all the promises, assurances given, Lloyds TSB had put INTEREST charge on my credit card spendings. I have a £950 debt on my Amex, which I was waiting to get it expensed by my company, and pay it back. I had time, at least I thought I had over 30 days interest-free time to pay it back.…

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Tags: complain uk general wondering

270th - One year anniversary

2009.11.01. 13:00 ZmanUK

This is it. No, not Michael Jackson this time.We are "celebrating" our ONE year anniversary in East-Anglia. Let me tell you, I do not feel it was one year already. Time shifted into a different gear and with incredible speed left us behind. For me it seems only a couple months, but no,…

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Tags: update general wondering

268th - Orwell

2009.10.30. 10:30 ZmanUK

I wanted to post this already, but always forgot. One day, in the morning this is what I see from our balcony. I wonder how this huge boat could sail up on the narrow Orwell river.FYI, from here, it had to turn around, as a bridge was blocking the way to sail further up on the river.This is one of…

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Tags: general wondering

263rd - PPP Healthcare is the best

2009.10.15. 10:13 ZmanUK

I don't know if I mentioned already, but in the last couple weeks I felt pain in the back of my mouth, which did not want to go away. First it started as a tonsil infection, which turned out to be something else. I visited the GP several times in the last almost two months, and the only advise from…

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Tags: update complain uk general wondering

259th - Fall ...

2009.10.05. 12:29 ZmanUK

 ... is hereSpitting rain outside, mist over the marina, the top of the posts of the sailing boats are all captured in the blury white mist.Dark and sad months are coming towards us. I wonder if we will have the chance to conquer Snowdonia's mountains.

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