Pray for Success

As true hungarian, I can complain about almost everything. If you interested, read, simple as that :-)


January 2012
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370th - Mit dolgoztok? - First post in Hungarian

2012.01.24. 21:42 ZmanUK

Az elmúlt napokban - hetekben egyre jobban sokasodó, külföldi munkavállalásról szóló blogbejegyzésekre szeretnék reflektálni saját bejegyzéssel és egy tervvel. Nagyon sok helyről azt hallom, olvasom a médiából, hogy külföldre kimenve a magyarok csak rabszolgaként,…

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369th - In case you wondered

2012.01.10. 22:05 ZmanUK

... I am doing well. Maybe too well (knock on wood). I love my job, enjoy of going to work every day, and my days are full of achievements which as positive responses keep me going forward.In the last two months I learned a lot, improved myself a lot and became a valuable member of my team which is…

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368th - Smart ... phone

2012.01.10. 22:00 ZmanUK

 I have to be honest with you ... I love my smartphone. I don't wanna hear about the sceptical approach and people questioning why we need smartphone. A smartphone is a GREAT thing. I was wondering one day, if I can put together a list of features I love and use in my phone.- Making receiving…

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