@csybu: Igen,azt hiszem Te megfogalmaztad azt amit az emberek nagy resze erez Angliaban.
Nem szere... (2012.04.02. 14:55)374th - Hungarian again ...
Sunday in Wales:On the way to Anglesey we have stopped to see Bodelwyddan Castle. We were always just passing by on the way to Conwy/Llandudno/Anglesey, but now we stopped for a couple minutes and took some pictures. The area was really nice, but we had many things to see, so we continued the…
Saturday - LLandudnoIt was a really great time to say goodbye to LLandudno. We have seen sunshine, beautiful sea, then crazy rain, incredible colours. We climbed, visited places I did not see before.Enjoy the pictures!
Why...... Is a hungarian motorbike driver caught speeding and dangerous driving with 202km/h in the UK going to prison for 3 months ...And a car driver caught speeding with 242! km/h in Hungary only receives 600 GBP fine?Why......can I order SD memory card with free postage in the UK for…