Pray for Success

As true hungarian, I can complain about almost everything. If you interested, read, simple as that :-)


October 2008
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141st - Gift and card

2008.10.23. 17:44 ZmanUK

I was asked to come forward today, and was applaused by my colleagues. They handed an envelope to me which included a Leaving Card, and a Gift Certificate for Amazon.I was really amazed and touched. They were very nice indeed. Wished me luck for the future, and agreed on having some beers tomorrow…

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140th - Farewell party

2008.10.23. 13:11 ZmanUK

Just sent an email to our friends here in Manchester, but don't wanna let my readers/friends to feel they left out of something.So there you go:Location: The Gateway, as well known HYDES :-)Time: Saturday Evening 7pmIf you can not attend, please on the stated day, go out to any nice pub…

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139th - Control

2008.10.23. 10:09 ZmanUK

Well, from now on, I am under control by one of my friend who is an english teacher. (And I can welcome him as my new reader). I HAVE ALREADY RECEIVED a comment not to use present perfect tense that much. Well, I will try not to, however in my defence, my great english teacher in the…

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138th - Searching phrases 2.

2008.10.23. 09:51 ZmanUK

gbp+forint2eon+meter+has+stopped+working1i+want+to+hand+in+my+notice+of+resignation+to+tesco1These searches lead my readers to my blog. I hope the guy who wanted to resign from Tesco could achieve it :-)There you go matey you can find another job!!! :-))))

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