Pray for Success

As true hungarian, I can complain about almost everything. If you interested, read, simple as that :-)


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279th - Charges 2.

2009.11.24. 10:44 ZmanUK

Despite all the promises, assurances given, Lloyds TSB had put INTEREST charge on my credit card spendings. I have a £950 debt on my Amex, which I was waiting to get it expensed by my company, and pay it back. I had time, at least I thought I had over 30 days interest-free time to pay it back. But they forgot to mention, this does not apply for cash withdrawals. 

And you know what? This is entirely my fault as I did not read through the Terms and Conditions and I was so naive and listened to their advisors, in the bank, over the phone, etc, and believed it will be alright.

So what is the end? I payed back the debts yesterday from my debit card, decided not to wait for another charge on it, and my company will pay the expense back whenever they process my claim.

And the funny thing for the end. If I initiate a money transfer from Llloyds to my Natwest account, it is being processed on the SAME day, due to the special agreement between these banks. However if I set up a money transfer to pay my credit card debts, which I have with Lloyds as well, it takes 4 days! (In-house banking) :-) LOL

Lloyds can manage transfers between its accounts, on the same day, even can manage money transfer to a different bank, but when it comes to credit cards... man, you have to wait 4 days to get it processed.

And Lloyds was saved by taxpayers money .... no comment


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