Pray for Success

As true hungarian, I can complain about almost everything. If you interested, read, simple as that :-)


February 2012
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374th - Hungarian again ...

2012.02.27. 23:01 ZmanUK

 Most megint nem kímélem angol olvasóimat, elő a Google Translator-ral :) Az egyik fórumra írtam fel ahol Angliában élő magyarokkal társalgok, és gondoltam beszúrom ide is külön posztként.Valahol olvastam, es ez tökéletesen le is írja amit erzek: "az a Magyarország…

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373rd - Nailed it

2012.02.26. 10:18 ZmanUK

Nailed it!!! Two probation periods have been successfully completed this month. First, I am over the 3 months probation at work, I had a nice chat with my boss - after I needed to remind him that I overdue - where he told me they were happy with my performance and he got good feedbacks from other…

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Tags: update bitsandpieces

372nd - Fly

2012.02.09. 20:24 ZmanUK

Another week has gone. Incredible, tomorrow is Friday again and it feels it was only Monday yesterday ... weird. The snow melted and disappeared from London, you can't find even a tiny bit left, however our city is still under a snowblanket. Thanks for the local council, the roads are clean but the…

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371st - Policing in the snow

2012.02.07. 22:15 ZmanUK

First major snowfall in the UK this year and ASBO (Anti Social Behavior) ... how are they related?Well, you are working hard to get the knives off the streets, reduce anti social behavior, and mother nature gives a free, powerful tool to the hands of the antisocial youths in one overnight. The…

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