Pray for Success

As true hungarian, I can complain about almost everything. If you interested, read, simple as that :-)


November 2009
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277th - Service is due again

2009.11.17. 17:50 ZmanUK

Yesterday I received a phonecall from the local Vauxhall saloon, that my car is due for the yearly service. (It has been a year already? Weird)They have a special offer for the 4th-year major service, 179 quid including everything which is a reasonable offer. But still. I can not live through a…

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276th - Friday the 13th in Israel

2009.11.17. 17:31 ZmanUK

What could I have wished for the last day in Tel-Aviv, than for nice weather, beach, swimming, relaxing etc? Then I woke up for 20 degrees and rain outside. So did not have the chance even to get myself into the waves unfortunately. Had my breakfast in the hotel, then when the rain stopped, went for…

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