Yes I am. Since I started the new job, I am busy as hell. I don't even have time to go on Facebook. Just briefly:
05:45 - wake-up
06:30 - walk to the railway station
08:15 - arrive to London
08:30 - walk to the office and start working
17:00 - Finish work
17:30 - Take train to home
18:50 - Arrive home
EVERY day. Still cannot and don't want to complain. Colleagues are nice, mentality is different, so I am having a good time so far. Lots of things to learn, so it is quite challenging, but it is great to work in an office again, even if I have to spend hours on the trains.
I still need to schedule my policing hours, so many of the days I finish up at around 22:00, (thanks RedBull) which is exhausting. Also, I carry on my Wing Chun (got punched in the face by my Instructor quite badly), but still loving it.
Ask me the same in about a month :)