Pray for Success

As true hungarian, I can complain about almost everything. If you interested, read, simple as that :-)


September 2009
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228th - And comes up again

2009.09.07. 17:41 ZmanUK

Telecom. Frozen since last year. Many people are jobless at the moment, there were no new positions advertised anywhere. All the companies decided to wait out the credit crunch.And recently, I began to realize, it might come up again soon. Today I received a call, a job offer from an agent. They…

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Tags: general wondering

227th - No answer, pending invitations

2009.09.07. 15:23 ZmanUK

7th of September. This is not the end of July, when we were supposed to receive an answer.  Well, answer is still lost somewhere in the mist, therefore we can not really plan anything.This ridiculous situation becomes more and more annoying.Have you ever experienced not be able to make any…

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Tags: update general wondering

226th - Motivation, no THANKS

2009.09.07. 14:52 ZmanUK

Yesterday I visited Bundy (a hungarian bloke around the corner in Ipswich), to play XBox NBA 2009.The game is great, perfect graphic, (in addition on a 44 inches plasma), so excellent fun.During the game, Ferenc arrived (Bundy's flatmate), and I offered them, if they know any basketball court…

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Tags: update complain uk

225th - Broadband and enquiry

2009.09.07. 13:56 ZmanUK

 "Short" story: I called up Sky Broadband today, as I wanted to know if I need to have TV package with Broadband, or I can only order an ADSL connection. Unfortunately, I must get the standard package £17.50 plus £15 for unlimited broadband, plus still have to keep my…

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Tags: complain uk

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