Pray for Success

As true hungarian, I can complain about almost everything. If you interested, read, simple as that :-)


October 2009
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259th - Fall ...

2009.10.05. 12:29 ZmanUK

 ... is hereSpitting rain outside, mist over the marina, the top of the posts of the sailing boats are all captured in the blury white mist.Dark and sad months are coming towards us. I wonder if we will have the chance to conquer Snowdonia's mountains.

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258th - Not so much to tell...

2009.10.05. 09:52 ZmanUK

Sitting at home, waiting is boring. And bad for socialising. We did not do any particular over the weekend, just general grocery shopping, cleaning etc. However, yesterday we went for a walk in Christchurch park, which is probably the biggest part here. The weather was nice, although from day to…

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