Pray for Success

As true hungarian, I can complain about almost everything. If you interested, read, simple as that :-)


September 2009
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234th - Still broadband, but this time is BT vs O2

2009.09.08. 15:23 ZmanUK

I have a BT broadband contract, which I signed almost a year ago, and it is due for renewal soon. I pay around £37, and in exchange I get: 8MB ADSL line, 1 line rental (phone line), 1 Wireless HUB, with Voip phone in order to use a second Voip line of BT. I was quite pleased with this…

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Tags: complain uk

233rd - Comments Update

2009.09.08. 13:38 ZmanUK

As  I got a promise from the admin guys, commenting feature will be up and running soon.Right now only those can comment on my posts who are registered users with my foreign friends can not register unless they speak Hungarian. :(So either register yourself, create…

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Tags: update

232nd - Forecast to be falling yesterday

2009.09.08. 13:04 ZmanUK

Can you believe this?We have a proper summer day today, started with grey thick clouds in the morning, then expected to turn to be like this, in the picture.Right now it is sunny outside, and as I did not left the building yet (and we have aircon), I can not tell the temperature, but I guess it is…

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Tags: update

231st - Coffee

2009.09.08. 10:36 ZmanUK

Yesterday Mr. BT Guy called me (yes, he is the ONLY Hungarian besides me working here at BT centre. 2 Hungarians only out of 4000 people, LOL), and invited for a cup of coffee.As I was doing NOTHING (like in the last couple months), I said yes, and went to meet him instantly.Got my regular…

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Tags: update

230th - Comments? Or am I just too boring?

2009.09.08. 10:27 ZmanUK

As I realised, comments stopped flowing. I can not say I received many comments, but still, even the small amount is missing.What happened?Then I tried to comment myself after a fellow blogger raised my attention. And this did not work!Well, quickly I dropped a mail to one of the admin of…

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Tags: update general wondering

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