Pray for Success

As true hungarian, I can complain about almost everything. If you interested, read, simple as that :-)


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223rd - Reduction

2009.09.03. 10:23 ZmanUK

As I have mentioned earlier, my Lloyds Tsb credit limit had been reduced on my credit card, due to the fact, that I did not use it :)

When I applied for it I told to the advisor at the bank, that I will use it rarely, as the only reason to request it because of occasional business travels, but she said that was alright, and said having a credit card does not force me to use it regularly (Even I can keep it in the drawer and wait until I will use it).

Anyway, a couple months has passed without business travel and therefore any activity on it, and now, they had reduced my limit drastically.

The official reason was (see my comments in red):

1. A card not being used is more exposed to fraudulent activities. 

I think a card not being used is more safe than to be exposed to any fraudulent activity, such us card copy, or being stolen

2. They can give the money to other customer in need, if I don't need it. (don't use = don't need)

It would be hard to believe Lloyds needs my credit card money to survive and be able to give loans to other customers.

The real funny thing, (of course I appealed against their decision), that this decision seems to be making ME the guilty one. Considering the whole thing with a financial mind, a bank's interest is to give as much as money to people they can, and get the people to be late with the repayment. Therefore they can put huge interests on it.

From an approach like this, I really was not a good customer, because I did not use my credit card at all, and because there is no charge to have a credit card, it did not bring any benefit to Lloyds. Anyway, I wrote my letter, hopefully I can get this posted soon, and will wait for their reply. 

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