Pray for Success

As true hungarian, I can complain about almost everything. If you interested, read, simple as that :-)


October 2010
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332nd - Statement and paintball

2010.10.07. 09:46 ZmanUK

 Today I will need to go to the station AGAIN and try to give my statement. Hopefully nothing will interrupt me this time.Some of the Hungarians are planning to play paintball on Sunday, which I am very interested in, so at the moment I am inviting friends to make up a team of 16 minimum to…

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331st - Drive

2010.10.05. 22:22 ZmanUK

I need to drive up to Leicester tomorrow for our meeting. This is supposed to be each month, however we did not have it for some time now. Anyway, it will be good to have some change in my daily routine, and also I can enjoy driving our fantastic car :) 

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330th - Over 20 years

2010.10.01. 10:42 ZmanUK

It is now over 20 years, since I saw my uncle (from my mother's side). And of course a couple days ago I found him and his family on a social networking site. Added as a friend, he confirmed.One step at a time ...Today is gonna be a busy day. Fridays are usually busy. Why? Because people realise…

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